About me
Elise Colomer-Cheadle is Director of Corporate Engagement at OutRight Action International, based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Elise has over 20 years experience working in the nonprofit industry connecting businesses to causes. Her past roles include Senior Director of Development overseeing institutional, special events and individual giving at SAGE, Associate Director & Director of Latin America Programs at the New York City Bar Association’s Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice, and Business and Partnerships Officer at the United Nations Office for Project Services where she co-established and co-managed one of the UN’s first units for partnerships with the private sector. Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Elise is bilingual in English and Spanish. She holds a Master of Science in Administration of International Organizations from Columbia University School of Social Work, and a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from Tufts University. She lives with her wife Diane and three dogs, and her interests include baking and running.